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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


How do I restart SeedSync Debian Service?

SeedSync can be restarted from the web GUI. If that fails, you can restart the service from command-line:

sudo service seedsync restart

How can I save my settings across updates when using the Docker image?

To maintain state across updates, you can store the settings in the host machine. Add the following option when starting the container.

-v <directory on host>:/config

where <directory on host> refers to the location on host machine where you wish to store the application state.


Does SeedSync collect any data?

No, SeedSync does not collect any data.


SeedSync can't seem to connect to my remote server?

Make sure your remote server address was entered correctly. If using password-based login, make sure the password is correct. Check the logs for details about the exact failure.

I am getting some errors about locale?

On some servers you may see errors in the log like so: Unpickling error: unpickling stack underflow b'bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale

This means your remote server requires that the locale matches with the Seedsync app. We can fix this my changing the locale for Seedsync. For Seedsync docker, try adding the following options to the docker run command:

-e LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
-e LANG=en_US.UTF-8

See this issue for more details.